
Meeting & Event Risk Management: The Best Offense is a Good Defense
Brian Avery – CEU Approved

Hazards! What are they and how do they impact me?
Where to look... hazards are all around us, they are easy to miss.
Be in the know... meeting and event risk management is everybody's job, guaranteed!
What's the solution? Meeting and event industry standards and best practices, they exist!
Why should I care? It's the right thing to do... and if you don't, it will cost you!

This session will delve into the ever changing world of risk management for your meetings and events. Regardless of size or situation, every meeting and event is exposed to risks involving safety, security, legal, financial, and environmental considerations at one level or another. Brian Avery is considered an industry expert on safety and risk management and is frequently called to testify as an expert witness on cases ranging from bodily injury to property loss at meeting, event and attraction locations. Don’t risk an unnecessary loss at your next meeting or event. Brian will bring you up to speed concerning today’s hot topics (regulations, standards & best practices), share his expert opinions concerning your next event as well as allow time for small group discussions highlighting various real-world scenarios.

About The Speaker
Brian AveryEntrepreneur Brian Avery is an educator, events expert and experienced risk management professional. With a hospitality career that spans more than two decades, Avery has had a hand in almost every branch of the business—everything from service on the front lines to executive stints in staff and safety management. Inspired by a familial involvement in the industry, he has spent the last two years focused on event staffing and management at Frontline Event Services, LLC.

Avery holds a Master of Science in hospitality and tourism management from University of Central Florida’s Rosen College of Hospitality Management, where he expects to earn his PhD in Hospitality Education/safety and risk management in August of 2015. Avery has served as an adjunct professor and lecturer for UCF in event risk management and boasts a post-baccalaureate certificate in industrial engineering with a concentration in human factors and safety.

Throughout the years, Avery’s research has been published numerous times, having co-authored three amusement park industry manuals on safety, risk and disaster guidelines and procedures. He recently contributed a chapter to a textbook on strategic management for hospitality and tourism. Avery is currently collecting research on a dissertation which will cover patron perceptions of pictogram safety warning signage in theme park environments.

Among his many professional affiliations, Avery currently serves as a committee member for the American Society for Testing and Materials, and is a member of Meeting Professionals International, Florida Festival and Events Association, International Association of Venue Managers, American Society of Safety Engineers and American Society for Industrial Security. He is also a certified safety inspector and technician and regularly attends and speaks at industry conferences and tradeshows.

Successful Negotiating and Building Rapport & Trust
Begins with YOU & YOUR Body Language!

Janine Driver, Speaker, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Media Personality – CEU Approved

  • Wouldn’t you agree that in America there’s a growing diversity of people, and to be the BEST meeting professional, you need to master your ability to successfully communicate to a NEW and different universe?
  • Don’t you, as a meeting professional, want to know with 100% certainty that you, and your support team, are using the best body language to match your message and intent--ultimately leaving your guests feeling welcomed and your stakeholders feeling understood?
  • Wouldn’t it rock your world if you could kiss good-bye to significant obstacles when negotiating contracts with your clients, hotels, and industry vendors?

Research proves that all human beings are programmed to be meaning-making machines, and unfortunately most of what you know about body language and reading people is simply not true--and it’s not your fault. During this exclusive training session, participants will unlock the subtle intricacies of a person’s unique communications fingerprint through using the same techniques taught to the CIA and FBI and how they can be applied, specifically, to the meetings industry by noted meetings industry speaker and television personality Janine Driver.

During this fast-paced, video-packed, fun, interactive presentation, attendees will GET EXCITED, as they are INSPIRED to look at the world in a different way and leave with a new understanding of these skills:

  • Recalibrate your thinking about the meaning of hospitality when you learn how to spot & easily identify the 7 Universal Micro-Expressions & master the art of what to say next to motivate and inspire stakeholders to be fully engaged with the event. (CMP-IS Domain F Skill 13 Stakeholder Management)
  • Avoid conflict by learning to decode the 9 ways your body language hurts your brand, your business, and your bottom line and model, and affirm respectful communication. (CMP-IS Domain E, Skill 12 Manage Workforce Relations, Sub Skill 12.01 Supervise Staff & Volunteers)
  • Improve your negotiating skills by understanding how to identify what the other party needs to obtain from the negotiation and what they are willing to concede. Decipher the secrets to “Statement Analysis” by identifying verbal “hot spots” that indicate when your subjects can be more flexible than they are letting on. (CMP-IS Domain B, Skill 5 Manage Meeting or Event Project, Sub Skill 5.02- Manage Contracts)

About The Speaker
Janine DriverJanine Driver, Body Language Contributor for NBC’s Today Show
JANINE DRIVER is the founder and president of the Body Language Institute. For over a decade while at the ATF, Janine trained thousands of law enforcement officers to decipher fact from fiction using the body language interpretation methods she writes about in her books, YOU CAN’T LIE TO ME and the New York Times Best-Seller, YOU SAY MORE THAN YOU THINK. Janine travels the globe speaking to the corporate world about the fastest way to save time and grow business.

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